Course: 113-1 Introduction to Algorithms. Lecturer: Huilan Chang. 2024.11.28 Reference: Optimal Binary Search Trees (Section 3.5 in Foundations Of Algorithms by Neapolitan)
A binary search tree (二元蒐尋樹) is a binary tree of items satisfying
(1) Each node contains one key.
(2) For each node $v$, the keys in the left subtree of $v$ $\leq$ the key in $v$ $\leq$ the keys in the right subtree of $v$.
Example. keys: A<B<C<D<E<F<G
$T_1$ $T_2$ a balanced binary tree
Search in binary search tree:
Example. Find the node with key E in $T_1$.
It all keys have the same probability of being the search key, then the average number of comparisons to locate a key is ① $= \frac{19}{7}$ in $T_1$.
② $= \frac{17}{7}$ in $T_2$. (better)
$T_2$ (a balanced binary tree) is optimal in this assumption.
Example. $n=3, p_1=0.7, p_2=0.2, p_3=0.1$, keys A<B<C. All binary search trees:
② Brute-force method is not efficient.
Definition. Let $A[i][j]$ be the average search time for an optimal binary search trees with keys $K_i$ through $K_j$.
🌴 🌴 🌴 Optimal Substructure 🌴 🌴 🌴 If $T$ be an optimal tree with keys $K_1$ through $K_n$ with root $K_k$, then its left subtree is an optimal tree with keys $K_1$ through $K_{k-1}$, and its right subtree is an optimal tree with keys $K_{k+1}$ through $K_n$.
If the optimal tree has key $K_k$ at the root, then $A[1][n]=$
Notice that: 但我們不知道 $k$是多少,因此要掃過所有可能:
🌴🌴🌴 Generally, for $1\leq i\leq j\leq n$, $A[i][j]=$
For $i=1,2,\cdots, n$, $A[i][i] = p_i$ $A[i][i-1]=A[i+1][i]=0$.
Compute an optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion.